Perak taking giant steps to teach the younger generation on going “green”


Being a former teacher himself, the Cikgu Saarani @ Perak Sejahtera 2030 programme named after Perak Menteri Besar Dato Seri Saarani Mohamad is timely among schools in the state.

This is following the sustainability programme, “Eco-Schools Perak” which was launched at the Royal Perak Golf Club (RPGC) recently.

Present was the State exco for Education, Higher Education and Human Resources, Ahmad Saidi Mohamad Daud who represented the Menteri Besar along with Chief Executive Officer of Menteri Besar Incorporated (MB Inc.), Anuar Zainal Abidin and Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) Executive Director Dr Mahadi Mohamad among others.

Some 50 schools were selected to participate in Eco-Schools in 2021, involving National Schools, Chinese National Schools (SJKC), Orang Asli Schools and Secondary Schools in the state.

“We have disbursed RM 1.2 million as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the field of Education and Environment through the international sustainability programme, “Eco-Schools”. The programme is expected to produce ambassadors of sustainability who are able to facilitate solutions on environmental issues in the community.

Meanwhile, the Eco Schools programme was launched in 1994 by the Foundation of Environmental Education (FEE) in several European countries as a response to the needs discussed in the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.

Lending support to the project was Rahman Hydraulic Tin Sdn Bhd, Klay Minerals Sdn. Bhd and Jin Sand Global Sdn. Bhd.

They presented a total of RM1.5 million mock cheque towards the commendable cause.

Syabas to the Perak State Government for its constant steps to nurture the young students on a green anx eco-friendly path.