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Participants from the United Kingdom, United States of America, Germany and Belgium are expected to take part in the inaugural Pangkor International Marine Tourism Conference 2022 (PIMTC) which will be held from May 9 till 12 in Pangkor Island, Perak.
The move is to make Pangkor the hub of nautical tourism in South East Asia. At a recent press conference, State Exco for Housing, Local Government and Tourism Datuk Nolee Ashilin Mohammad Radzi along with Perak Tourist Association PTA) president Dato Mohd Odzman Abdul Kadir were present. Lending support was CEO of Tourism Perak, Nurmalis Musa and Advisor of PIMTC 2022, Dato’ Seri Mirza Taiyab Beg among others. Nolee welcomed the conference as it will only help promote the state as a tourist destination and also venture tourism from “unchartered waters”
“The conference is expected to see some 200 participants along with representatives from government agencies, academicians, students, industry players, tourism NGOs, tour guides, cultural experts, writers and owners of hotels and homestays,”
The event also served to launch the official logo for the conference at the MH Hotel here.
The conference is also expected to offer to youths the chance to learn and explore the industry of cruises and boats.