Some 1,000 employees of Ipoh City Council attended the council’s Executive Talk and Innovation Day event here recently.
Ipoh City Mayor Datuk Rumaizi Baharin@Md Daud delivered his address and officiated the closing ceremony of the Innovation Day celebrations.
Also present were councillors and heads of departments.
In his speech, Rumaizi said innovation would bring out ideas to enhance quality of work as well as service to the public.
Among the elements of innovation are to develop new technology and new processing procedures to save time and resources.
“Innovation would always create new ways of solving existing problems or tackle challenges faced by the community, civil service and industries,”he added.
The Government had laid down the transformation agenda of the country to be led by innovation and creativity.
Rumaizi also pointed out the council had excelled by winning several awards for innovation and creativity at the state and national level.
In conjunction with the Innovation Day, the council has organised five events among them are Innovation Slogan, Innovation Quiz, Innovation Ideas, Innovation Race@Ecopark and Ecosystem competition.
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